HealthMake your habits work for you

Make your habits work for you

The habits that we cultivate in our lives set the course for our personal and professional results. In this way, they determine our health, emotional well-being, personal development, achievement of our dreams and aspirations, finances and professional development.

Having habits in our routine that determine our well-being and growth is of vital importance. This compendium of habits must go through a count of 3 personal characteristics to see if they will work sensibly in our favor.

1- The purpose

The purpose of life is the inner compass that we all need to move forward on the path and progress towards our goals. The purpose is the essence and the basis of life, why do we do things? What meaning are we giving to our actions?

The purpose makes us make decisions with transcendence, however, the 90% of people They don’t know why they get up every morning, or what is the same, they don’t have a defined life purpose. Every day, when they turn off the alarm clock, they don’t know the reason for each action they are going to perform throughout the day.

This supposes a significant relevance in their habits and their life, since they do not have an essential internal tool that marks their path, that gives meaning to what they do, that guides them in hard times and that encourages them to grow continuously. .

This lack of purpose leads us to unravel the keys to our behavior, which is a 70% usual. Most of our day is made up of habits, actions that our mind begins to perform automatically due to integration through the constant repetition of the activity.

Therefore, you have to evaluate the routine and see what habits you are doing and with what meaning. The intention in what you do precedes the concentration. And concentration is a key line of differentiation between doing things with meaning and value, and not doing them.

2- Define your goals

The objectives are totally related to habits and it is what leads you to have an action plan. What are your goals? Are your habits aligned with them?

These are fundamental questions that will determine your results. He who does not know what he wants, what results will he get? How will he be able to self-evaluate and measure his success?

This plan requires a long-term mindset. The immediacy and instantaneous satisfaction so established in consumption habits and erroneous success patterns are confusing and diminishing the ability to persist on the road.

Postponing the pleasure, loving the process, and focusing attention on the daily progress of these goals give us a greater meaning and a greater chance of achievement.

3- Self-knowledge

Self-awareness is the last characteristic that measures the quality of your habits and their importance in your life and in your results.

Get to know yourself every day, take time to be alone, cultivate your values, abide by your principles, know what you want, reflect and write about the most important aspects of your life. All of these actions are signs of strong daily self-awareness.

This self-knowledge is not only key to knowing if you have good habits and therefore that they work in your favor, but also encourages the repetition of continuous action, also known as discipline. The importance of discipline was already defined by Eisenhower “freedom is the opportunity to exercise self-discipline”.

These three main characteristics will make your habits full of meaning, turning your routine and your life into a path full of transcendence, health and daily progress.

As author Ryan Holiday points out, “order is a requirement of excellence, and in an unpredictable world, good habits they are a safe haven of certainty.”

Juan Sarrió- Personal change, habits and mentality.


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