TechnologyLearn to use ChatGPT: The 12 best free online courses and tutorials to master AI

Learn to use ChatGPT: The 12 best free online courses and tutorials to master AI

At this point in the film it is impossible that you have not heard of ChatGPT, a language model that generates human-like responses to any question.

In November 2022, OpenAI, a company originally founded by Elon Musk, launched the open beta, breaking all schemes. It became the fastest growing app in internet history, reaching 100 million users in just 2 months.

ChatGPT has become the solution to almost everything. From private life to business, it is serving people to rent flats, change the way they dress, or do more sports. Of course, much more to boost productivity, improve at work and earn money.

The prompt engineering is the process that allows you to communicate effectively with an AI to achieve what you want. As technology in this field advances by leaps and bounds, this has become a particularly valuable skill. So it is not surprising that know how to handle ChatGPT It becomes a labor essential in more and more sectors.

So that you don’t get left behind and can take advantage of all the professional advantages —and why not also private ones— that this technology allows, here are 12 of the best free online courses and tutorials to learn how to use ChatGPT.

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers

learn how to use ChatGPT by the hand of their own creators. Since this free course is supported by OpenAi and is Taught by the company’s Isa Fulford, along with Andrew Ng of DeepLearning.AI.

Lasting one hour, the training focuses on how to use a language model (LLM) to create new and powerful applications with less time and effort. It is suitable for beginners, as only a basic understanding of Python is needed. But it’s also suitable for advanced engineers looking to upgrade.

Available at DeepLearning.AI

ChatGPT and artificial intelligence

In this course you will learn step by step how to use artificial intelligence with ChatGPT.

The Emprende School offers it for free. its broad content in spanish covers strategies for earn money with ChatGPTthe best alternatives and how to use AI to create images, write books or create videos with your avatar.

Available at Escuela

ChatGPT for Beginners: SciFi Writing with Dall-e tutorials

A totally practical course built through a 1-hour project in video format. During this training you will learn how to communicate effectively with models ChatGPT and DALL-E from OpenAI. To do this, you will work with these tools by co-writing a science fiction story and generating images to bring it to life through a series of tasks that include set up an OpenAI account, interact with ChatGPT or practice effective AI communication.

Available on Coursera

Introduction to ChatGPT

From DataCamp offer a free online course focused on teaching all the ins and outs of the popular chatbot. You’ll start with an overview of what ChatGPT is and what it can and can’t do for you and your career. From summarizing copy to creating marketing content and even generating and debugging code, you’ll learn how to write and design effective prompts to help ChatGPT understand your needs.

Available at DataCamp

Basic Course of ChatGPT

A Free course in Spanish to learn the basics of ChatGPT very focused on how to get the most out of AI in sectors such as Marketing and SEO. You will learn to create code with ChatGPT but also articles, lists, tables or administrative tasks such as legal documents or emails.

Available at Seo Academy

ChatGPT for Beginners: The Ultimate Use Cases for Everyone

This free tutorial on ChatGPT It has accumulated more than 20,000 students and a rating of 4 stars out of 5. It is offered by Udemy in video-on-demand format with a total duration of 47 minutes.

The vision is quite broad, in addition to showing the utilities in business aspects and to earn money, it also dedicates a part to knowing how to use ChatGPT in your daily life.

Available on Udemy

ChatGPT for Beginners

Offered free of charge by Great Learning, this course awards certificate upon completion. It’s just 2 hours of video-on-demand teaching everything you need to develop a syllabus, code and generate prompts, write scripts, and even use ChatGPT to generate content and marketing purposes.

Available at Great Learning

How to use CHAT-GPT (OpenAI Chat) 100% FREE (2023)

One of the ChatGPT videos on YouTube most popular and best valued. From the GabiTUTOS channel you can access this easy-to-follow and very visual tutorial. It explains in Spanish how it works and how to use CHATGPT from the most basic, such as creating an account, to learning about the latest versions of the tool.

Available on GabiTUTOS YouTube channel

Introduction to ChatGPT

This training offers a practical introduction to ChatGPT, from registration to mastering its advanced functions. Topics covered include conversation with ChatGPT, customization, use for productivity and chatbot creationas well as advanced applications such as language translation and creative content generation.

Available at

Enter to ChatGPT

In this course you will get a general understanding of how ChatGPT works. Running for 7 hours, it shows how to increase your productivity in all areas of your life with AI, from the simplest daily tasks to the most complex business projects.


Google BARD and ChatGPT AI for Increased Productivity

learn to drive ChatGPT and Goge BARD, he AI chatbot developed by Google to apply their full potential in customer service and marketing. The course is easy to follow and offers practical cases, according to the opinions of some of the more than 11,000 students who have gone through it.

Available on Udemy

Learn Prompting

This course, designed for beginners, is a good starting point but also offers useful information for those more advanced. Available in Spanishsupposes a very complete manual ranging from introduction to AI to advanced promts techniques.

Available in Learn Prompting


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