Health8 types of tea that speed up metabolism and help you lose weight and lose weight

8 types of tea that speed up metabolism and help you lose weight and lose weight

Update: in addition to modifying the structure of the article to make it much easier to read, we have added two new types of tea that are currently in high demand, such as red or pu-erh tea and Matcha tea.

tea is originally from china and it’s quite a drink rooted in India and England.

Besides, has multiple benefits which has made many people have incorporated tea into their daily routine. In fact, Tea consumption in Spain has increased by 9% in recent years.

But that it is one of the most consumed drinks in the world is no coincidence.

The many benefits of tea

The tea properties They are present in all varieties, it does not matter if it is a green tea, a black tea or a blue tea. Obviously, each one enhances one thing or another.

Tea has antioxidants and therefore helps slow down the aging process. Also protects the immune systemthanks to the high amount of flavonoids and vitamin H.

Also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and is one of those foods included in the list to alleviate iron deficiency, so helps alleviate anemia.

Like many other drinks, it provides hydration and it is a natural diuretic It helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

But in addition to all these benefits, tea helps fight abdominal fat, speeds up metabolism and is one of the best supplements for anyone who wants to lose weight.

Drinking tea can speed up calorie burning. Besides, can speed up metabolism and lose weight (in some cases up to 10%) No need to exercise or diet.

Following you will find best teas for weight loss

Index of contents:

Green Tea

drink green tea It will help you lose weight quickly because it increases body temperature, accelerates cell metabolism and, therefore, eliminates a greater amount of adipose tissue.

In a recent 12-week study, volunteers who combined a daily habit of 4 to 5 cups of green tea each day with a 25-minute workout lost an average of 2 pounds more and had less belly fat than those who didn’t. they drank tea, according to Eat This, Not That!

Green tea contains catechin, a polyphenol antioxidant. which promotes the release of fat from adipose cells, that form the constituent element of fatty tissue.

Besides, helps speed up the liver’s ability to convert fat into energy.

In this sense, an analysis of 11 studies found that green tea catechins helped participants lose an average of 2.5 pounds more than control groups.

Yes indeed, make sure you drink real green tea and not the bottled one, which probably contains quite a bit of sugar.

Green Tea Pompadour

black tea

This variety instead of catechins is composed mostly of theaflavins.

Despite the fact that there is less evidence focused on this type of tea on obesity, certain studies have suggested that the polyphenols present in highly fermented teas they can activate a protein called kinase, thereby improving lipid metabolism and aiding in weight loss.

More specifically, research focused on the effects of black tea on obesity found that drinking it regularly for three months helped patients improve weight and body fat distribution.

VAHDAM Black Tea

oolong tea

Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea that oxidizes between green and black, giving it a characteristic bluish hue.

Also known as blue tea, it is one of the most valued tea varieties today.

The main quality of oolong tea is its high antioxidant power, with clear benefits for the immune system, according to Tea Shop.

Like the previous one, it is characterized by its high presence of catechins, that boost weight loss efforts by improving the body’s ability to metabolize fat.

So oolong tea not only helps keep cholesterol levels in check and digestion, but it it can also help speed up metabolism.

According to a Chinese study collected in Eat This, Not That! participants who drank the blue tea regularly lost a pound a week.

Oolong Quertee Tea


This tea is known for its powerful thermogenic effects, that is, it which activates the body’s calorie burning mechanism, and may also promote weight loss by improving insulin sensitivity, according to Eat This, Not That!

In addition, yerba mate is energizing, diuretic, and a stimulant for the nervous system. Also It helps to lose weight, since the mateine ​​it contains produces a slight increase in fat burning.

In a study reported in Nutrition & Metabolism, participants were divided into 2 groups: one took a placebo 60 minutes before exercising, while the other ingested a 1,000-milligram capsule of yerba mate.

The researchers discovered that those who consumed the herb increased the beneficial effects their training had on their metabolism.

Rosamonte Yerba Mate

goji berry tea

Lycium barbarum, the plant from which goji berries are harvested, is a traditional Asian medicinal therapy for diabetes and other diseases, but it also has a slimming effect.

In this sense, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, which administered to the participants a single dose of lycium barbarum or a placebo after a meal, found that one hour after the dose, the group that had ingested a few goji berries burned calories at a rate 10% higher than the placebo group.

The effects lasted up to 4 hours.

Most goji berry teas are blended with green tea, further increasing calorie burn, according to Eat This, Not That!

Biojoy Goji Berries

red tea or pu-erh

Red tea is a variety that is fermented and which is traditionally produced in the Yunnan province in Chinawhere they say it is the best you can drink, hence it is also called pu-erh, its name in Chinese.

It belongs to the broader category of types of fermented teas such as dark teas.

It is usually harvested in environments where there is no contamination, since they are very sensitive to everything that surrounds them. Usually fermented in natural caveswhich makes its quality truly extraordinary.

It is a tea with calming effecthighly appreciated by lovers of this drink.

Barton Red Tea

White tea

White tea is close to green, since both are slightly fermented, which is why it also contains catechins, which makes it another ally when it comes to weight loss.

According to the conclusions of a study published in 2009, the white tea is capable of inhibiting adipogenesis (formation of adipose cells and a phenomenon related to obesity and insulin resistance), in turn favoring lipolysis, that is, the breakdown of lipids into fatty acids.

Indian White Tea

matcha tea

Matcha is a green tea powder very fine, high quality and highly demanded, also because there is not much on the market.

It is obtained from ace whole leaves of the bushes of tea that are grown in the shade.

It is a very famous tea for a few years and highly demanded for its excellent taste.

Contains more antioxidants than regular green tea, even with experts claiming that one cup of matcha is equivalent to several cups of green tea.

Matcha & CO

Any of the teas you just saw could arrive at your home without paying anything for shipping costs, thanks to being Amazon Prime.

In a few days you will have the tea you want to enjoy on your sofa.


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