EntertainmentVancouver Weather: Huge Full Strawberry Moon Dazzles the Sky

Vancouver Weather: Huge Full Strawberry Moon Dazzles the Sky

Moon lovers can bathe in the silvery glow of a full moon this weekend in Vancouver.

The full moon in June is also known as the “full strawberry moon.” Headquarters in Vancouver on Saturday June 3 According to timeanddate.com at 20:41.

But the color of the moon has nothing to do with its popular name.

As noted in The Old Farmer’s Almanac itself, the June moon got its name, “from the Algonquian tribe, who knew it as a sign to pick the ripe fruits of the wild strawberries.” He notes that indigenous peoples would give each recurring full moon unique names to mark the change of seasons.

The full moon in June is also known as the honeymoon, meat moon, and full rose moon in Europe.

In May, locals enjoy a “Full Flower Moon,” named for the first spring flowers that bloom after the winter frost.

Environment Canada is calling for clear skies on Saturday night, which will provide ideal conditions for viewing the full moon. No special equipment is required to view it, but cloud cover may prevent locals from getting a clear view of the celestial scene.

Check out the National Forecaster’s complete Metro Vancouver weather forecast for the summer.

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