SportsSwiatek's press conference ended abruptly after Arina Sabalenka asked a question

Swiatek’s press conference ended abruptly after Arina Sabalenka asked a question

While Iga Sviatek was holding her post-match press conference, she was asked about Arina Sabalenka, who promptly brought the entire conference to a close.

Svidek was asked about Sabalenka’s decision to ask the competition organizers to hold a special type of press conference where only a select few reporters are allowed.

Citing his mental health, a production of his previous conference featured a tense exchange.

The reporter in question was not allowed this time and Sabalenka will continue to do so to avoid being accused of supporting the President of Belarus. When Switek was asked about it, he began to reply:

“I heard that he didn’t attend the conference, but I don’t know why, I just heard that he wasn’t feeling well…”

The press conference ended when it was interrupted by the referee midway. The Polish journalist shared the story on social media with the WTA commenting that it was a misunderstanding. Her response:

“We apologize for the misunderstanding, but there was a misunderstanding of the Polish language and we ended the press conference because our time was up.”

The moderator didn’t know what the Polish media were asking, so they closed the whole thing after acknowledging Saplenka’s name in the question. The event was not looking very good.

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