News World A mysterious metallic sphere found on a beach in Japan baffles the...

A mysterious metallic sphere found on a beach in Japan baffles the authorities

Shizuoka prefectural authorities have been put on alert after a metal sphere one and a half meters in diameter appeared on the beach of Enshuhama, near the town of Hamamatsu. Neither the police nor the emergency agents know exactly what it is about, so they immediately evacuated the beach and cordoned it off.

The ball was found by a woman early in the day, when she was walking, and she immediately alerted the authorities. The experts from the army and the police approached the area with equipment for explosives, since the first possibility they considered was that it was a sea mine that had fallen off. Upon arrival, they found that the metallic sphere I was hollow and it was ruled out that it could explode.

In addition to searching for other similar objects in the area, a more exhaustive examination was carried out on the item. A simple superficial review led to the determination that it came from the sea (it was considered that it could have fallen from the sky), since it had encrusted numerous mollusks and crustaceans. This implies that she had been submerged in sea water for some time.

Because of its brownish-brown color and, above all, because of the two hooks it has on each side, they led one to think that it was a mine, but the surprise that it was hollow kept the unknown about this sphere. The Japanese coast guard does not hide its bewilderment: “We cannot determine what it is and we are cautious,” they admitted in statements to the NHK channel.

Faced with this mystery, there have been no shortage of theories of all kinds. From a kind of scientific experiment that the Government does not want to reveal, through the typical suspicions about UFOs of extraterrestrial origin.

Another Chinese balloon?

The appearance of this object in Japan has turned the eyes towards China. In the midst of the controversy over spy balloons in American territory, Japan also went on high alert, to the point that changed the national legislation to authorize the Japanese air force to shoot down objects entering Japanese space.

The change from the previous scenario is remarkable. Previously, the Japanese Armed Forces could only act in situations of self-defense, territorial or population protection, or in the event of catastrophes.



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